Bria saw the kindled glow in their shaded depths.
Sunk, their water-logged timbers would nestle in these shaded depths, rejoined.
At moments they could look directly down into the narrow gap between the high cliffs, into the shaded depths of the chasm, almost dry now, with only the occasional gleam of the shrunken and still pools.
Bambara, much praised for the shaded depth of her characterizations - in the stories of "Gorilla, My Love" and other works - rarely builds a scene toward a simple explosion.
Its sides were sheer and unscaleable, falling to shaded purple depths.
Avallach's palace had ever been a haven to me, and I felt its old tranquillity beckoning, like a cool breeze over the shaded depths of the lake's many-shadowed pools, soothing the traveller's heat-fevered brow.
Redwall stood foursquare along the marches of the old south border, flanked on two sides by Mossflower Wood's shaded depths.
-to tattered shreds and covered him until only a mound remained, indistinguishable from many in the shaded depths of the green forest, and the mound moved no more than they.