And as the phantom shade called Ontear looked on from a point hundreds of years in the past, Ramed passed into a history that was yet to be.
I got an appointment at an upscale nail salon in Bloomfield, but chose a proletarian shade called Hot Tamale.
The 800-square-foot lobby, painted in a shade called vanilla, will have latex curtains and a 10-foot-long white onyx counter.
His experiments produced instead the first synthetic aniline dye, a purple shade called mauveine, shortened simply to mauve.
But there's no doubt that high on the list is a comparatively new shade called Pink Ribbon.
I believe he uses a shade called lampblack.
Green was the traditional color worn by hunters in the 19th century, particularly the shade called hunter green.
Now, the shade, called Hollywood White, has become the favorite for average patients who simply want Hollywood-style glamour.
(It's a shade called sea-foam these days.)
Finally she picked a shade called Golden Oak which was more brown than gold.