He took me to a heroin apartment in a real shabby neighborhood.
The sky went from being a perfect clockwork centered on Earth to a fairly shabby neighborhood in which we were a minor resident.
The sixth district was a shabby working-class neighborhood full of cheap apartment houses and empty shops.
It was a shabby neighborhood of big, old houses.
Ave." we three turned toward the river, past the big furniture store and into a sort of shabby neighborhood where there wasn't much foot traffic.
Not that it was a shabby neighborhood really, though the street was too narrow for carriages.
At once we came to the blighted and shabby neighborhood where her old house stood.
He drove across town and headed along the shabby neighborhood of upper Columbus Avenue.
Outside, the shabby little neighborhood that backed onto the interstate was quiet in the twilight.
I also noticed that the quiet, slightly shabby neighborhood of my childhood had changed.