Boys who are victims of sexually predatory teenage girls can also be devastated.
The ruthless, sexually predatory and ancient de facto head of The Concern's Central Council.
As a consequence, this leaves little time for being boy-crazy; they may be sexually predatory, but that has more to do with being modern than with liking men.
He's sexually predatory.
The narrator of Billy Barnes's pop-jazz standard "Something Cool" is a lurching, sexually predatory drunk.
Riley, with whom the viewer is identified, disavows the shot by appearing confused and taken aback rather than sexually predatory.
Sexually predatory clothes, clingy and revealing, receded in favor of ladylike dressing.
She also insinuates that Barbie might be sexually predatory to Sarah and Susan.
Andrea Dworkin once suggested that men are sexually predatory in life, and women are sexually manipulative.
For a woman, marriage used to mean leaving the protection of an aging, weakening father for that of a sexually predatory, possibly bestial husband.