To know: A court ruled that Julian Assange, the head of WikiLeaks, will be extradited from the U.K. to Sweden to face sexual-assault charges.
Here, Bryant didn't respond to questions being tossed at him about his sexual-assault charge when he arrived in a circular driveway in front of the justice center.
He also said he would like to apologize directly to O'Neal for mentioning his name to detectives investigating sexual-assault charges against Bryant.
He was acquitted on two sexual-assault charges and an assault-and-battery charge and convicted on the solicitation charge and the sexual-assault charge.
Just two weeks before, Lee, a sophomore forward, was acquitted of an earlier sexual-assault charge stemming from an incident in his campus dormitory.
The charges come from Tony Cole, who was dismissed from the team after the 2001-2 season after serving a 16-game suspension handed down in conjunction with a sexual-assault charge.
Speaking publicly for the first time since a sexual-assault charge was filed against him in July, Bryant, the 25-year-old All-Star guard, answered questions for nearly 20 minutes after his first practice.
Unfortunately, the sexual-assault charge didn't stick.
Yes, three Mets players are the subject of an investigation by the Port St. Lucie Police Department that could result in sexual-assault charges.
At the time, the Packers were already reeling from publicity surrounding a sexual-assault charge against defensive back Mossy Cade.