The song's title incorporates a sexual pun.
The player explores the game's locale, Bonetown, and its various neighborhoods which are sexual puns, such as "Missionary Beach".
The title explains the difference between the streams of water emptying into the pool from characteristically low-tech apparatus overhead, while also suggesting a sexual pun.
The title phrase incorporates a sexual pun.
The title of this life-size sculpture is a sexual pun, unprintable here, on the phrase "Siamese twins."
The image of Whitman is contrasted with mundane images of a supermarket, food often being used for sexual puns.
Kolin also argues that, "numerous, though overlooked, sexual puns run throughout this indelicate panegyric to Shakespeare's youthful friend."
She made sexual puns on the president's last name.
Compare this high-blown language to Petruchio's use of animal imagery and sexual puns.
The front cover featured a smiling Worthington, contemplating putting lumps of sugar in his cup of tea; the book title is a deliberate sexual pun.