Throughout the trial, Mrs. Rey nolds sat in the courtroom, supporting her husband as a parade of witnesses described his sexual misadventures.
If so, that would be most welcome to Mr. Clinton, and not only because it would take people's minds off his sexual misadventures.
Jen and C.J. save her from a sexual misadventure with a complete stranger and take Audrey back to her dorm room.
Inspired partly by American gross-out comedies like American Pie, it follows the sexual misadventures of four boys through middle and high school.
The movie delicately approaches his twin demons - alcoholism and homosexuality - but offers no stories of carousing or of sexual misadventure.
A milquetoast senior insurance company officer finds himself being neatly blackmailed for the first sexual misadventure of his life.
Jen learns of C.J.'s sexual misadventures only after he tells her that he no longer dates.
The book details Klausner's many romantic and sexual misadventures throughout her 20s.
He was a columnist for the New York Press for several years, and became known for self-deprecating tales of his sexual misadventures.