Marriage was an unequal relationship, whereby the husband owned the children and didn't have the same obligation toward sexual fidelity that the wife had.
Monogamy and sexual fidelity are not expected of men.
Men and women who grew up during the swinging sixties may have a different view of sexual fidelity from those who are slightly older.
As the record of great figures in history shows, the correlation between a politician's sexual fidelity and his or her contribution to mankind is zero.
No one in Wisconsin can recall the last time a county prosecutor sought to enforce the state's 19th-century law that requires sexual fidelity inside marriage.
Within committed relationships, sexual fidelity transforms those vulnerabilities into trust and compassion.
Don't you make sexual fidelity as an automatic prerequisite for a serious relations yourself?
Of course she was a creature of this nether region, and sexual fidelity had no meaning for her.
No necessity existed anymore to promise sexual fidelity to one person or to a group.
The tune is an assurance of sexual fidelity and commitment.