I always thought of the sexual come-on as a game, but the game is much more serious from the male view.
The funniest involves mistaking a slangy sexual come-on for the name of a Japanese car.
My little woody dropped like a dead tree, and I exclaimed, "I mistook your friendly banter for a sexual come-on.
If straps are a sexual come-on, it's an overture that's coy rather than aggressive.
"Men who turn everything into a sexual come-on are such bores."
"Some have had a career derailed by a rape or by a sexual come-on that was turned down and then resented," she added.
The one could almost be taken as an oblique sexual come-on, while the other was the opposite.
Maybe the political fraternity missed the latest news about Senator Bob Packwood; clumsily brazen sexual come-ons, it seems, are still the order of the day.
Endless protestations about sullied honor, then a direct sexual come-on.
Another med school friend of Kelly's, Melanie Collins, made him feel uneasy with her not-so-subtle sexual come-on.