Fidelity and adultery, for example, have no moral meaning for the player of the infinite game who delights in playing with sexual boundaries.
For one thing, could you tell the person you're dating how far you're willing to take the relationship, and what your sexual boundaries are?
In the end, Brubach seems to learn more from her own efforts at crossing sexual boundaries than from all her drag queens put together.
There is no harm intended in such situations, but these examples do not teach the child to develop intact sexual boundaries.
For example, Gary grows up in a home in which his mother has a wall of fear for a sexual boundary.
But Gary's father has no sexual boundaries at all.
The way appropriate sexual boundaries are established in a functional fitmily is that the parents demonstrate their own boundaries.
They form an unstable friendship, and continue to push their sexual boundaries.
It will allow you to have a clean slate and start over with good sexual boundaries.