Some women at the parties were prostitutes, but others who weren't joined in the sexual antics voluntarily.
It expected certain sexual antics from its people and appreciated it when this activity was kept intramural.
If he wasn't whining about how much of his salary went to party contributions, he was detailing his sexual antics.
Shadowed rooms and pounding music with a few sexual antics in the corners.
Another excuse being trotted out is that it's a reaction to Weiner's repugnant sexual antics.
The show has also been accused of being characterized by the casts' drunken and sexual antics, beginning with the show's 2002 Las Vegas season.
It was simply preposterous that those sexual antics should have produced a year of prosecutorial inquisition and the impeachment of the President.
Sometimes the nonsense was code for sexual antics.
The show was criticized for the girls' sexual antics and the seemingly bizarre behavior of the sisters and their mother.
I added, "If she were my daughter, and I knew about her sexual antics, I might be enraged."