After all, he paved the way for today's sexual anarchy using carefully orchestrated, bogus science.
"The war brought out a lot of class and social and sexual anarchy," Mr. Leland said.
His "cell of good living" was in fact a hothouse of sexual anarchy: he had a succession of mistresses - when he told a model to take her clothes off, he had more than sculpture in mind.
Just as Kubrick's film ends with a reaffirmation of marital fidelity, Schoenberg turned to religion as the answer to sexual anarchy.
We're not going to have, 'Oh, God, the moralistic authoritarians telling us what to do,' " he said, "and it's not going to be anarchy, sexual or otherwise, either.
That's because the handy term "sexual revolution" is of no consequence in a repressed, hypocritical society that thrives on scandal, but in which sexual anarchy goes on, often on a command-performance level.
Hugely popular, the pill set off hand-wringing about "sexual anarchy" (as the historian Andrea Tone points out, the equally available condom did not trigger hysteria about male promiscuity) and other, unforeseen reactions.
That's the genesis of the sexual anarchy we're seeing today.
The Star Tribune also reported that Bachmann has publicly referred to homosexuality as "sexual dysfunction," "sexual identity disorders," and "personal enslavement" that leads to "sexual anarchy."
Saul Bellow - "The great "meltdown" of modern sexual anarchy is the real subject of Melinda Camber Porter's novel FRANK.