A low sexless voice had begun to speak within his head.
It was a dry, sexless voice, the voice of an old woman, or a strange eunuch.
Or rather, it was a soft, sexless voice.
Renata said in the husky and sexless voice of the emmasca, "Tell us what has happened, my dear."
"Here you are, your Majesty," he said in that cool, sexless voice.
She sang her words in a hoarse, sexless voice that gave way to a galloping laughter.
Somewhere, above his head, the choir was practising, the young, sexless voices like a starshower against a night sky.
"I expect you would like me to believe that," Gamine murmured, contempt in the clear, sexless voice.
Srral's sexless voice spilled out of the wall comm.
A sexless metallic voice answered from the ceiling: "There are no security officers available."