That's because this mindless sex farce makes Tony Bennett's second home appear to be the site of a supermodel convention.
Nor will it astonish anyone that the play, like most sex farces, is one long tease consisting of suggestive promises never kept.
The film is a sex farce, satirizing the religious beliefs and sexuality of a Mexican middle-class family.
And how many other sex farces blithely factor in sadistic murder?
"Measure" is written in the style and language of a Restoration comedy, but with a sizable dose of modern sex farce.
Appropriately enough, the video is an old-fashioned sex farce, starring a window washer who finds more-than-willing partners wherever he goes.
And overall, the play works best as a rue-tinged, contemplative sex farce.
A recently released Italian sex farce, "Paparazzi," was rated "futile."
Only toward the end do you realize that you are watching an especially rich and subtle sex farce.
When I was 12 1/2 I wrote a three-act sex farce.