Water companies that provide sewerage services also levy a separate sewerage charge.
As of mid-1994, only a few of the larger towns had municipal water systems, and none had sewerage services.
They also provide sewerage services in 280 towns (2003).
Ten of these are the successors to the regional water authorities and they also provide sewerage services.
Spending on urban and regional development was accelerated, which contributed to a significant rise in the number of Australian households connected to a sewerage services.
The project will finance the improvement of urban sewerage services and drinking water supply services.
It can also provide power for supplying the fresh water and sewerage services needed to reduce infectious disease.
Water was led by most modern drains through the rooms of the royal suite, even providing a sewerage service.
It can also provide power to supply the fresh water and sewerage services needed to reduce the spread of infectious diseases.
There is no sewerage service or mains gas supply to the hamlet.