The shark manages to escape, but is severely scarred.
Mr. Llanos, who is still severely scarred by his burns, now works part-time compiling sports statistics for The Star-Ledger.
Cumbria's agriculture and tourism industries were severely scarred, many tourists were put off visiting the Lake District, whilst the local economy is estimated to have lost billions.
This country has been severely scarred by terrorists, one of whom had a student visa like us.
Lady Montagu survived, but her beauty did not: her face was severely scarred.
Damage is one of the survivors, though his face is later revealed to have been severely scarred by Zoom.
Rhode Island Hospital received patients who had burns on most of their bodies, their lungs severely scarred by the searing heat.
In the mirror, a severely scarred image of himself appears.
Due to the Punisher's homicidal nature, few of his foes became recurring antagonists, the most notable of these being the severely scarred enforcer Jigsaw.
Kurawaki survives Shozo's, but is severely scarred and dependent on a life-support robotic machine.