Lomborg has been severely questioned by groups in Denmark.
Thus, today the U.N. has never been more in demand - and its performance has never been more severely questioned.
Saavedra wrote the book for his sons, because his political image was severely questioned by that time and wanted them to be able to know his own version of things.
If the woman is questioned severely, it would be as well that she were not allowed to return to her friends in Addis.
"Venezuelan courts are severely questioned and criticized because they cannot offer even the minimum guarantees of judicial security," Ms. Ortega said.
After being questioned and beaten severely by his captors Höss confessed his real identity.
On May 11, 2012, Peña Nieto visited the Ibero-American University to hold a conference with students, where he was severely questioned.
In the left-brain-dominated societies of the west, the value of the right-brain functions are severely questioned and are often dismissed as being outmoded and irrelevant.
Hussein's brutal human rights record notwithstanding, war critics have severely questioned its use as rationale for military intervention.
More recently, we have the spectacle of the EU promotion of biofuels which are now being severely questioned.