Some North Korean defectors have claimed that they were severely mistreated by the government when they first arrived in South Korea.
John was arrested in August 1944 on plotting charges, and was severely mistreated in jail.
But the case highlights what would become a recurring theme in brutality allegations: how members of minority groups and new immigrants are more likely than others to be severely mistreated by the police.
State agencies beleaguered by backlogged caseloads often took action only after a child was severely mistreated and had to be protected.
Many children, now adults, have complained that they were severely mistreated by their new families, suffering beatings and other physical and psychological abuse.
He is alleged to have been severely mistreated at both detention centres while being questioned by both US and UK officials.
Though it took her several years to persuade anyone that she was fully cognizant - during which time she was often severely mistreated by hospital workers - Ms. Tavalaro managed to stave off complete despair.
There, like many of the institution's patients, she was severely mistreated.
Then, children are often taken to orphanages which arrange the adoptions, where they are sometimes severely mistreated.