An investigation revealed that the woman had been severely intoxicated (with a blood-alcohol level of 0.30%) and had failed to follow proper safety procedures prior to launch.
On two occasions while playing on the Hogan Tour, he checked into hospitals after becoming severely intoxicated.
While in North Carolina, he became severely intoxicated and ran off a cliff.
Not only does Black Fury become shaggy after ingesting the formula, but also becomes severely intoxicated, loudly shouting " Birthday!"
He stole the Cessna on the night of September 11 and departed from Aldino Airport in Maryland severely intoxicated, which is presumed to have led to his later miscalculation.
Ms. Trachtenberg also said that Yale usually did not punish students found illegally drinking on campus for fear that it would inhibit them from seeking medical help for students who may become severely intoxicated.
The police said the female companion was "severely intoxicated" at the time and was not cooperating with the investigation.
When Thursday arrives, Deanna goes out to a nightclub with Leanne, and hours later returns to her building severely intoxicated.
He was keeping his promise; well on the way to getting severely intoxicated.
Two years ago, 46 severely intoxicated students checked into the campus health center the night of the parties, traditionally the biggest of the year.