As we know, the present energy market in the European Union is severely distorted.
Curved window which underwater would severely distort the image by refraction.
But the Clinton experience has also made clear that questions of character and personal conduct can severely distort a Presidency.
Vanadium suffered numerous facial injuries as a result of this, thus making his face severely distorted.
The spine is severely distorted as well along with significant shortening due to marked lordosis.
South Sudan has an estimated population of 8 million, but, given the lack of a census in several decades, this estimate may be severely distorted.
For example, the chapter on 'Touch', with its emphasis on animal experimentation, severely distorts the balance of the original programme.
A collision can severely distort the shape of one or both galaxies, forming bars, rings or tail-like structures.
Its features were severely distorted.
This type of barbed tape provides a good physical deterrent as well as giving an immediate alarm if the tape is cut or severely distorted.