Fishermen have been severely bitten, and it can help to wear gloves.
In order to get to the motor home without being severely bitten, she would have to be quick and aggressive.
The male was severely bitten, and I'm relatively sure the attacker was, well, it was a tiger.
Little Noah told of the time he had climbed the apple-tree in the yard after a raccoon and got severely bitten.
She is severely bitten and sexually assaulted, and her house is ransacked.
He said he did so for insurance purposes because one volunteer had sued for some of her medical expenses after she was severely bitten by a dog.
The first wolf had gone down with Catherine's arrow through its body, but not before Rolfs left forearm had been severely bitten.
I was bitten severely several times by white rats that-- before receiving the purple ray-- had seemed very devoted to me.
A scientist who captured one live otter had to release it after he was severely bitten.