The industry has been in a severe slump since mid-1987, even before the stock market crash, and no letup is expected soon.
The severe 1920-21 slump is usually classified as a depression, with unemployment averaging almost 12 percent in 1921.
More job reductions could cause consumers to spend less money and leave the economy in a more severe slump.
The anti-Government riots were triggered by a severe economic slump.
It remains prominent despite a severe slump starting in the mid-1990s.
The city still has many strengths, and few experts are predicting a severe slump.
Earlier in the decade, when the auto industry hit the bottom of a severe slump, Ford had been hard pressed for cash.
By the time the bankruptcy court released the building plans in the early 1990's, the local economy was in a severe slump.
Because of all this, the economy suffered a severe slump.
The Hong Kong film industry has been in a severe slump since the mid-1990s.