The incident was followed by a wave of severe reprisals by federal forces against family of Aiza Gazuyeva and the local population.
Failure to comply at least once by the age of 20 shall be punishable by severe reprisals against her person.
There they risked deportation, severe reprisals, and other barbarous acts.
The diplomat said such an attack could prompt a severe Israeli reprisal that could include an invasion of Lebanon.
The Harkis were seen as traitors by many Algerians, and many of those who stayed behind suffered severe reprisals after independence.
An open rebellion against the Hanseatic League would bring about severe reprisals.
In response to their brutality, the natives fought back; the Spanish responded with severe reprisals, for example destroying crops to starve the natives.
With such severe reprisals, Fax undoubtedly had eliminated the resistance as well as the best craftsmen.
After he left Tibet, the reasons for his visit were discovered and many of the Tibetans who had befriended him suffered severe reprisals.
A further aggravating factor is that the women who told their stories must now expect severe reprisals, such as being accused of defamation.