Even if treatment were needed for a severe relapse, they said, there would be time to invoke the 25th Amendment.
Sometimes plasma exchange - removing the blood and replacing the liquid part - is used to treat more severe relapses.
Now it is 1974 it seems as if Dorothy has had a severe relapse.
A woman who lives in a group home and suffers from schizophrenia, a social worker said, experienced a severe relapse when she learned that the program is ending.
Additional treatment options include plasmapheresis for severe, steroid-unresponsive relapses.
Three other patients had severe relapses and may have suffered permanent mental damage as a result of the experiment, their families said.
Once they go through a severe relapse, patients are never the same, nor are their families.
Swan was in the throes of an apparently severe religious relapse, muttering a continuous polysyllabic one-word prayer.
Several of the patients had more than one severe relapse, including hallucinations and paranoia.
He said the researchers did not intentionally drive patients to severe relapses.