The second man's ideas triumphed, although history will show that he paid a severe, career-ending price.
For had Zenph succeeded, there would have been a severe price.
Unions might get a temporary pyrrhic victory in Wisconsin, but it comes with a severe price.
And any Iraqi officials involved in their mistreatment, humiliation or execution will pay a severe price.
He's paid a pretty severe price up to this date.
Her daughters pay a severe price for Raphael's mischief.
Banner's people had paid such severe prices in his name.
It is a way of saying to people who wield their power wantonly and illegally: Back off, or you will pay a severe price.
"He had a relapse after years of provable abstention and paid a very severe price for it."
She insisted upon abandoning her own kind and paid a severe price for it-as you have.