His rubbery body makes him highly resistant to injury, though he can suffer painful damage if his body's elasticity is overtaxed (similar to severe muscle pulls).
When the cat runs out of fat to process, severe muscle wasting takes place as the body converts protein into energy.
If severe muscle or bone pain develops, bisphosphonate therapy may need to be stopped.
Spinal muscular atrophy - Mutations in the survival motor neuron-1 (SMN1) gene result in the degeneration of spinal motor neurons and severe muscle wasting.
The blood disorder, eosinophilia-myalgia, is marked by severe muscle and joint pain, swelling of the arms and legs, skin rash and sometimes fever.
Svend suffered a severe muscle tear that forced him to retire from bodybuilding, and in 1996 he quickly moved on to strongman competitions.
Symptoms include severe headache, high fever, nausea and vomiting, severe muscle and joint pain.
She complained of weakness and severe muscle and ligament pain, but Belu forced her to continue training and taking the medicine.
This delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is characterized by sometimes severe muscle tenderness as well as loss of strength and range of motion, usually reaching a peak 24 to 72 hours after the extreme exercise event.
She suffers severe muscle and joint pain and gastrointestinal problems, she said, adding that her sons are beginning to show the same symptoms.