The Archbishop's priority was to help the Acholi people of northern Uganda end the severe isolation they were experiencing in the camps.
Iran has been isolated and isolated itself since 1979; in Burma, a far more severe isolation has endured since 1962.
Naruto's character was analyzed by GameSpot's Joe Dodson who noted that Naruto, despite having an "ideal" life, still suffers from severe isolation.
One keeper's wife, who was locked up and not allowed to leave, suffered from the severe isolation and went insane.
Young and far from home, they suffer from emotional deprivation and severe isolation.
He showers Mr. Wood in white light that gradually intensifies, at once underlining Gene's love for the music and his severe emotional isolation.
The neighborhood is distinctive because of its severe geographic isolation from the rest of the city.
The English-speaking ability of the students working at the university this summer is astonishing in view of the severe isolation of Bulgaria.
Page A1 Iran is reassessing the war with Iraq in the face of severe international isolation.
("The decision came with a price," Kantor maintains, "reinforcing the already severe isolation of the presidency.")