Surgery may be used if the individual develops a secondary issue of contracture, from a severe imbalance of muscle activity.
There could be severe imbalances in the games this Sunday as a result of some teams being stacked with returning players.
A severe imbalance of electrolytes can lead to seizures, an irregular heartbeat, muscle weakness, and other problems.
In his twenties, he had the surly manner of a fourteen-year-old with a severe hormonal imbalance.
In the mid-17th century, there was a severe imbalance between single men and women in New France.
Population is the responsible reason to destroy the social ecology and creating severe imbalance for the place.
While countries are straining to pay more for imported oil, many have continuing programs to redress trade deficits and other severe economic imbalances.
Mrs Ferreira's report is concerned with preventing severe macroeconomic imbalances.
Tahiti suffers from a severe imbalance in trade, with imports amounting to nearly ten times its exports.
He will, however, be expected to do something about the severe imbalances that are masked by the wonderful overall figures for economic growth.