On 23 February 1951, another C-46 (registered N59490) encountered severe icing during a flight from Burbank to San Francisco.
Deicing boots have undoubtedly saved many lives and have permitted flight into known icing conditions, but they are unable to handle extremely severe icing.
There was also a report of severe icing from a plane flying over Findlay, Ohio, he added.
After he finished this, severe icing on his motors caused them to stop rotating.
In the winter you have severe icing on the road and little children all over the place.
A preliminary report suggests it was caused by severe icing of the airframe.
This can be either due to physical damage (either natural or human caused), mechanical wear, or severe icing during winter weather.
The climate in Maine results in severe icing of the antenna wires during the winter, resulting in unacceptably large loads on the supporting structures.
He took off from RAF Wyton in cold, cloudy weather and experienced severe icing on the aircraft.
"We've had what we call severe icing this year," Mr. Glasgow said.