A Live Nation spokesperson added that she had "severe exhaustion."
Following these events, Berrabah checked into a European health clinic for a three-week stay, citing "severe nervous exhaustion".
Before the release of her first feature film Glitter (2001), she suffered a physical and emotional breakdown and was hospitalized for severe exhaustion.
Have a similar problem, but with muscle spasms, pain and severe exhaustion so I sympathise greatly with you.
They reached the South Summit (at 8750 m then the highest summit to have been climbed), but had to turn back due to severe exhaustion.
"I tend to think it was more a case of severe exhaustion brought on by overwork."
Bourdeaux shifted his gaze back to Halston, who showed signs of severe exhaustion.
Elsa, already obviously marked by severe exhaustion, scarcely reaches a road where she is found.
By the time he reached his late 50s, he was suffering from an irregular heartbeat as well as severe physical and nervous exhaustion.
Before the film's release she suffered a physical and emotional breakdown and was hospitalized for severe exhaustion.