If you have severe arterial blockage and poor circulation, you will find walking long distances to be a greater challenge.
But severe blockages, it turns out, cause at most three out of 10 heart attacks.
Children younger than 4 don't usually have their adenoids taken out unless they have severe nasal blockage.
The trial will continue to determine the optimal treatment for people with less severe blockages.
But treatment for a severe blockage may be necessary for several days.
Because severe blockage can damage the kidneys and other areas of the urinary system, many doctors recommend early surgery.
The coroner's report the next day said he had severe blockages in two arteries to his heart.
With severe blockages, the tissue may die (gangrene), requiring amputation of the fingers and toes.
She was also quite a bit younger than most women with such severe blockages; women tend not to develop heart disease until long after the menopause.
When Estep heard that the exam found five severe blockages around her heart, she started crying.