Air pollution is a major source of health concern in Santiago, resulting in severe bronchial ailments affecting infants, small children and the elderly.
There are many severe ailments of the body for which there are genetic predispositions.
GSP agreed saying that he suffered the injury by rushing back from a less severe ailment to his left knee.
Strains of salmonella bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotics may cause severe intestinal ailments in humans.
Auspicious locations and days, particularly in rural settings, may be required of rituals to address more severe ailments or threatening afflictions.
Dr. John Newcomer is a psychiatrist who generally treats people with severe ailments of the mind and spirit.
However, their conservative natures have always prohibited them from considering certain unconventional methods of treatment for severe psychological ailments such as this.
(A less severe ailment, postpartum depression, is more common.)
Her mother was so distressed that she would suffer severe physical ailments, such as heart palpitations, whenever Sveva would leave.
Suffering from increasingly severe medical ailments, he finally succumbed in 1960 at the age of 88.