Günter Grass has called him "one of the major figures in German seventeenth-century literature".
Regarded as the testament of Tycho, the work was eagerly received in seventeenth-century astronomical literature.
Throughout his career, Marin's main intellectual focus was seventeenth-century French literature, particularly the works of Blaise Pascal, Perrault, Nicolas Poussin and Philippe de Champaigne.
Birrell was particularly interested in seventeenth-century English Catholic literature.
His passion for seventeenth-century literature had led the former atheist to a sudden conversion and during the war years he developed into a pillar of the Roman Catholic church.
She was a noted specialist in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English literature, writing and lecturing on the theatrical, visual, and religious cultures of early modern England.
He was an English professor who specialized in sixteenth and seventeenth-century English literature.
After graduating from St. Joseph's College for Women in Brooklyn, Ponsot earned her master's degree in seventeenth-century literature from Columbia University.
Andrew Milner's John Milton and the English Revolution (1981) is essentially an application of Goldmann's genetic structuralism to the study of seventeenth-century English literature.
She has also published a number of scholarly articles on seventeenth-century literature.