Optimism on Atlanta Seige Bishop Roman today said he hoped that the settlement here would pave the way for a negotiated agreement in Atlanta and volunteered his assistance.
The settlement paved the way for the release of the compilation album Nirvana, which featured the previously unreleased track "You Know You're Right", the last song Nirvana recorded before Cobain's death.
Mr. Dollarhide considered the company an attractive takeover target and said the settlement might pave the way for talks.
Moreover, the settlement with Barton Modbury had paved the way for Nigel to gain an unexpected reward.
A settlement of the disarmament dispute would pave the way for the transfer of home rule powers by Britain to the new Northern Ireland Assembly.
Yesterday's settlement also paves a way for Mr. Buffett, an Omaha-based investor with a major stake in Salomon, to retreat from his formal positions at the firm with his own reputation enhanced.
"The reality is, cash is not an issue," he said, adding that he believed the settlement paved the way for growth of the company.
The litigation is a lingering problem for Westinghouse, and settlements could pave the way for the company to separate its industrial business from its broadcast operations, analysts said.
The settlement will pave the way for the current and former Ford owners nationwide to be reimbursed for repairs and related expenses, such as towing fees.
The settlement paved the way for Mugabe to take power as Prime Minister of the newly-formed Republic of Zimbabwe.