However, viatical settlements ensure that such policies will with absolute certainty be paid out.
But the settlement ensures that investors in even the worst performing partnerships will receive their initial investment back, plus a moderate annual return.
But the F.T.C. said yesterday it was certain that the settlement, in which both sides agreed to sell assets, would ensure fair pricing and competition.
An out-of-court settlement ensured that the song would never be re-released in its original form.
The settlement ensured that information gathered on students would not be allowed in the student employee files.
The settlement ensures that school officials will not restore the portrait or post any other unconstitutional pictures, paintings, posters or other items with religious content.
He said the settlement ensured that improvements for black and Hispanic students would continue, at least for five more years.
A lasting political settlement would ensure internal stability and cohesion in Turkey and release valuable resources for economic and social development.
The settlement also doesn't ensure that everyone will have access to scholarly works, as individual publishers can still choose to limit access to their collections.
"In conjunction with a strong office market, the settlement will ensure success."