The isolated range is sparsely inhabited with most settlements being based around mines.
Legislation should prohibit trade and business with settlements based on their illegality under international law, rather than a politically-driven boycott, said one EU diplomatic source.
"Any settlement not based on the central issue of land is useless," an official in Damascus said.
Only a negotiated settlement that addresses both sides' vital interests, based on mutual concessions, has a chance of achieving an enduring peace.
He said the New York hospitals were entitled to a much more generous settlement, based on the services they provided Medicare patients.
Altofts is an outlier of Normanton, a settlement based on the canal trade.
"I filed an objection to that settlement based on the fact that Ross had acted with scienter in selling."
There was to be a permanent settlement based on Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 after two years of autonomy.
Ny-Ålesund is a permanent settlement based entirely around research.
In this case, the agreement called for settlements based on the postwar value of the property plus 3 percent interest a year.