The basic plan of this defense is to prevent White from setting up a strong center by removing the e4 pawn.
The government has announced it is setting up a new antiterrorism center to coordinate intelligence and security issues.
School officials set up a center for grief counseling and announced plans for a memorial service.
The officials said they would continue talks on setting up a French cultural center in Moscow.
Some want to turn it into a museum, and one group would like to set up a center to teach nonviolent conflict resolution.
On one side is a social-services agency that wants to set up a center for recovering drug addicts.
Formed in 1991, the committee's mission included the possibility of setting up a Middle East center, according to its guidelines.
The two are using their power to set up a center to teach women business skills and give them credit and health advice.
He has also set up a separate center for product development.
It was taken over in 1981 by the municipality and set up a cultural center.