According to Hobbes, theory should set out the rational requirements for 'civil peace and material plenty'.
There is legislation that sets out the requirements for the carriage of life-saving appliances on ships.
These set out the legal requirements for the design of specified products.
They set out the requirements that the management system must fulfil so that the company's processes meet minimum standards on product quality and environmental impact.
The notes do not set out the full legal requirements.
Section 42 sets out the requirements of this form of notice etc.
This sets out the requirements companies must meet when sending documents, for example signatures, fees etc.
Sections 503 through 505 set out the requirements for attaining such exemptions.
This guidance sets out the new requirements under the specific headings where they are relevant.
In many countries, the rules of the road are codified, setting out the legal requirements and punishments for breaking them.