The armed forces are still well below the level that set off the influx of workers into the labor force in the late 1960's.
And he was setting us off on the long march forward into a time that soon would not be for him.
That set off a huge rush into the area, swelling the population from about 150 to around 3,000.
Twinkle set off, into the dark morning, through the breath of trees.
"You'll be right" is good enough for us and we set off into the silent half light.
They left the tent behind and set off into it.
Then the butterfly set off into the traffic heading toward 13th Street.
The trail set off west into the hills and the coming storm.
Two naive girls setting off into the world without a clue about what we were doing.
He would not let her carry anything, and they set off down the track through the woods into the valley.