Composed as a corrido, the song is about wounded soldiers returning home for Christmas, with dismal lyrics set incongruously to an upbeat Mexican melody.
Biographer David Buckley remarked on the song's "doomy sax-driven verses set incongruously aside cheesy choruses".
On the other is a dimly lighted, carpeted office space with a full-size wrestling ring set incongruously in the middle of it.
In the evening came the director Jonathan Miller's updated production of "The Mikado," which incongruously set the tale in 1920s London.
The Baptist student center, incongruously set between two of the rowdiest fraternity houses, was also closed.
If there shone anywhere a virtue, no matter how incongruously set, it was upon the virtue we must fix our eyes.
Guillemin's own show was set incongruously in an old-fashioned hotel ballroom complete with gilded moldings and crystal chandeliers.
They have generally disappeared from the Intermountain West as have their wooden churches with onion-shaped domes, once incongruously set in western mining towns.
This afternoon, word of the punishments had not penetrated the Citadel's mock-medieval campus, incongruously set in the soft South Carolina subtropics.
Not far away nor hidden from view was the compost heap that nurtured all, set incongruously in the shadow of the tomatoes, lettuce and basil.