When setting fares, train companies are subject to strict rules that have been rigorously implemented by both this government and the last.
This discipline has given the airlines a rare ability to set fares at profitable levels.
The government regulates taxi service, setting fixed fares rather than using a metered system.
Such partnerships do not normally allow the local authority to set fares or service frequencies.
But in the long term, airlines will have to set fares that can appeal to a wide variety of customers.
The company has not yet set fares, but has said they will be competitive with those of the ferries that cross the channel.
Another part of the attack is that Ken set fares at levels above retail price index inflation, and this is true.
That gives them greater control in setting fares, particularly for those passengers who have no choice but to accept the fare they are quoted.
Nexus continues to set fares, set frequency of services and Metro operating hours.
Such an increase would be all but certain to win approval since the state is authorized to set fares for all passengers using its stations.