Early sessions dealt with issues of land, labour, railways, public works, immigration, education and gold discoveries.
Then later on, his own minister and session should deal with him.
Other sessions deal with laughter, art and music therapy.
The session will deal with challenges and opportunities in digital images, electronic publishing and the future of professional photography.
And the final session on July 23 will deal with medical emergencies.
In the meantime, the officials said the negotiating sessions were dealing with procedural issues and building a foundation for future cooperation.
Carlson plans to call a special session the week of Oct. 20 to deal with the issue.
The session will also deal with feelings of intimidation that some women may experience in financial matters.
This session should deal with the following issues: The formation of a new union government that would take this country through the period of transition.
Training sessions deal with a variety of topics, including: