The deputy inspector spoke at a news conference where the police released photographs of Mr. Monroe, the second such session in last nine days aimed at enlisting help from the public to find him.
Americans who participated in the sessions aimed at identifying challenges want the nation's leaders to know that the disease changes lives, and that "they want and deserve a transformational plan that urgently addresses their needs," Johns says.
Many local bar associations are sponsoring gatherings that are the mirror image of male consciousness-raising sessions, aimed at persuading women that it is all right to be competitive and aggressive.
Rehabilitation Covers 1948-62 Parliament has been meeting in a session aimed at moving Hungary toward a more democratic form of socialism after four decades of Communist rule.
It was at this meeting that Arthur Wallace of UCLA and Harry Kroll of Geigy met on a brain-storming session aimed at dreaming up the structure of a stable iron chelate.
A series of private sessions aimed at developing the administration's formal policies on regulation, the accounting industry and corporate governance will be led by others.
Spiritual salvation, the church teaches, can be achieved only by following the scriptural precepts, including participating in sessions aimed at shedding painful experiences and to raise spiritual awareness.
The Florida Legislature convenes Tuesday in a special three-day session aimed at easing a medical malpractice insurance crisis that is particularly acute in south Florida.
Negotiators from 130 countries are to meet in New York next month in the fourth of five sessions aimed at producing a binding international convention on the control of heat-trapping gases.
In the last two years, Bethlehem has been holding sessions aimed at involving workers more deeply in the drive to improve productivity.