The king had to be chosen from among the nobility; never a tonsurado (cleric), member of the servile classes (peasants), or foreigners.
The master class never abstracts enough information from the servile class to know what is actually going on in the world where the actual productivity of society occurs.
At stake was the class structure of the South with its landed gentry commanding a servile class of laborers.
People up here take no pride in being members of the servile class.
It was indeed an education, but to what was this sensitive young man of thirty-five, of the servile class, being educated?
Slaves and servile classes attached to land grants were regularly traded as a showing of goodwill among rulers of neighboring states.
Nobles were allowed to marry slaves and those of the non-landed servile class.
The alipin or servile class were dependent, an arrangement misconstrued as slavery by the Spaniards.
The Saxon freemen and servile class remained faithful to their original beliefs long after their nominal conversion to Christianity.
The top landed aristocracy was about 1% and the rest constituted the servile class.