He was state public service commissioner from 1919 to 1923.
From 1875 until his death Hampton was chief civil service commissioner.
But he really feels he can do something worthwhile as a civil service commissioner.
He served as civil service commissioner in 1903; circuit court judge for Cook County, 1903-11.
He remained a public service commissioner until 1992.
Had he been elected governor, Campbell would have been the fifth public service commissioner to move into the state's top position.
In 1870 he was appointed a civil service commissioner and consequently resigned his post at The Times.
Ms. Guhl, the former human services commissioner, said the choice of counties was based only on implementation considerations like population and size.
James M. Davy, the acting human services commissioner, said the state would treat about 2,500 families during the next year.
The state's human services commissioner told a federal judge yesterday that New Jersey was making progress in reforming its child welfare system.