However, her slow service speed of 17 knots frequently resulted in delays.
It travels at the same service speed of 18.2 miles an hour.
These developed 3100 indicated horsepower and gave the vessel a service speed of 18 knots.
She had a service speed of 12.5 knots and was a full knot slower than Russia.
I'm able to change my service speed with my provider without getting a new router.
The Diesel engines would reduce her service speed to approximately 18 knots.
Her original engines were derated as a high service speed was no longer needed.
In open water the ship has a service speed of 15 knots.
They are geared to twin screws and produce a service speed of 18.5 knots.
Felt to be underpowered, she had a service speed of 10 knots, similar to her predecessors.