The service could refuse to deliver any material that implied such an affiliation and failed to carry the disclaimer.
Some services refuse to give out SIP credentials, forcing you to use specially configured phones or devices instead.
But the service has refused to apologize for the incident, the tax preparer's attorney said yesterday.
The postal service in Lenoir, North Carolina, refused to send the material, citing a government regulation.
However this was cancelled as doctors and other services refused to provide a service to such a small remote island.
But the service refused to change its designation of kangaroos as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act.
This theme emerges most dramatically perhaps when the secret service refuses to allow him to go to Washington after the September 11 attacks.
But the service, a Defense Department division, refused, saying it does not pay for its sports programming, which is seen in 177 countries.
Some services also charge for incomplete calls or refuse to connect callers to their regular service.
It says the two services either do not allow discount brokers' listings or refuse to send them to other real estate Web sites.