It signed up only a third as many subscribers to the new version of its service aimed at high-speed users.
This company operates cheap services aimed at students and the like, which must be booked in advance on the Internet.
Scandals like these have prompted other firms to provide services aimed at protecting their performers.
This is now closed, although one section of it has recently opened a limited service aimed at the tourist trade. is an online dating service aimed at Jewish singles.
In addition, services aimed at children must give a warning that children need their parents' permission for the call.
All of the public services aimed at businesses have been made available online.
Owning services aimed at the same market also precludes annoying competition.
As of 2013, it spends over £191 million each year on more than 800 local services, aimed at helping these same groups.
Spirit Radio - Christian and religious service aimed at over-15s.