When calling into certain numbers known as "gold nodes," the BBS member was connected to an Internet shell account on servers run by IBM's VNET division.
A server is required to play games over the internet, and the official server run by Codo Technologies went down in August 2010.
The two sources of this pop-up seem to be ad.bluelithium.com and ad.yieldmanager.com, from servers run by Yahoo.
Here's an idea - if you have a blog you'd be worried about being deleted without warning then don't have it hosted on a free server run by a massive global company?
In September, the group claimed on its Twitter account to have taken control of eight servers run by entertainment corporation Sony.
There are a few downsides here, as this opens the door for players having full access to the servers they run, which will increase the chances we'll see cheats and exploits on some servers run by unscrupulous players.
Mr. Pirmann's tour of the station inspired him to post a couple of Web pages about it on a server run by a friend.
Storm and Storm:D2 are the servers run by the DOL team.
The company says its product is more secure because the messages are transmitted point-to-point via a server run by AbsoluteFuture, not by Internet mail servers, which leave a traceable record.
This will not affect most home users because they typically do not run e-mail servers on their own computers but connect their e-mail programs to servers run by their Internet providers.