While the site does offer software to server admins, such as hosting development of a character profile viewer, and free game information search tools, it has primarly become known as a cheating site.
The community replacement servers later featured sponsorships which allowed server admins to promote their server to the top of the list for a monthly fee.
Then my focus is to finish up survival mode multiplayer, with working enemies and health and better cheat prevention tools for server admins.
This gives the server admin and the end user an easy to use interface for managing their websites.
The demo was not updated in parallel with the complete game, and so several exploitable glitches and bugs existed, though most were patched or policed by the demo modding community and server admins.
Https, or secure, connections still allow the server admin to view the content of an e-mail and its related IP number.
You try to tell them that you, being the server admin, can actually kick the cheaters yourself but they are totally convinced that someone else needs to do it for them.
I've been a departmental user support and server admin at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL for 11 years.
I'd like to know what experienced server admins (like Control Group seems to be) have to say about the OS choice.
Partnered with the standard downloadable documentation that tends to improve slightly with each server release, the package should prove beneficial to server admins both new and old, provided you can convince your employer to shell out the $499 fee.